Masterclass in Zwolle, ArtEZ

I am annually invited to the conservatory in Zwolle, ArtEZ, to present a Masterclass. It is truly a pleasure to hear the students there integrate historical fingerings with my musical input!
I am genuinely grateful to the harp teacher, Manja Smits, for believing my insight from years ago.

TEACHING in Detmold and Antwerp

I am super happy with the teaching job in Detmold University of Music and Antwerp Royal conservatory.

I cannot wish more to have the luxury of teaching regularly as a guest teacher for both schools’ 18th and 19th-century harp literature. Occasionally, I have my chance to share my knowledge of contemporary music since I have a long history of playing avant-garde music! Recently, I worked with my students, Petrassi, Hosokawa, and Takemitsu! It is always a pleasure to have varied music.

Thank you for Godelieve Schrama and Miriam Overlach, who appointed me!

Presentation on the New Spohr Edition

Japanese Harp Society organised a Spohr Presentation for me at the Aoyama Harp Office in Tokyo! I am very grateful for this opportunity!! All the Bärenreiter’s URTEXT scores of Spohr, which they had for this day, were sold out!! Extremely Happy!!

Mozarteum / Salzburg

Thank you, Stephen Fitzpatrick, for inviting me to Mozarteum, Salzburg. Once again, it was such an intense but fun day. Handel, Scarlatti, Spohr, Parish Alvars…..Our topic was ‘How do we develop taste’ ! Thank you dear students for your enthusiasm!

Masterclass at the University of Music in Lübeck, Germany

Three full days of teaching and a PowerPoint presentation on ‘Historical harp practices’ were held for Prof. Gesine Dreyer’s wonderful harp class. Mozart, Krumpholtz, Petrini, Dussek, Corri, Spohr….My goodness, it was a speedy course on these pieces!! It was amazing to hear the transformation after three days. The students became much more aware and began to listen critically to their habitual fingering! YES!! We can integrate historical harp practices in our modern harp playing!!